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Position:Home>Genealogy> What are some good websites for tracing my ancestry?


What are some good websites for tracing my ancestry?

Any website will help

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4 months ago
Not too long ago, we had read an article in either Time OR Newsweek magazine about labs that you can send a DNA swab online to determine one's ansestral origins. Now that I can afford to, (approx $300.00), I can't remember the name of the sites. All help is greatly appreciated. Many Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 4 months ago
Not too long ago, we had read an article in either Time OR Newsweek magazine about labs that you can send a DNA swab online to determine one's ansestral origins. Now that I can afford to, (approx $300.00), I can't remember the name of the sites. All help is greatly appreciated. Many Thanks!