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Can one change his/her temperament?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Of course.

One can change anything about him/herself, with the right desire to do so. If there is no desire to change, then it won't happen, or it will happen falsely.

If there is a genuine desire to change, the process is fairly simple on paper, but very difficult to actually use. For any personality changes this is mostly true:

1) Identify the behavior you dislike.
2) Identify "why" you have/do the behavior
3) Identify "why" you want to change the behavior
4) Identify a plan of action to change the behavior
5) Stick to the plan of action, day after day
6) Meditate, or self inquire about what you're doing frequently.

Of course, as I said, the appication of that basic "method of change" is a lot harder than it seems, since it requires a constant dedication to change, and an understand of what's changing, and why.