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Adoption Information?

How can you find information about a person adopted around 1915 in Michigan. Is there an online data base, or some other place where information would be stored?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey 29 Characters To Work With,

That sounds like you did not know what to call yourself, lol.

Anyway, since you gave the State, I can tell you a little about Michigan by finding the sites that describe Michigan Law on Adoptions. There are several sites that will help you listed below, and I put some text from some of them here too.

The first site tells about Michigan Laws, and it is a sealed record or close record state. So, to get the records requires a court order. There are other ways to find a person that was adopted, but they have to want to be found. First step, Register.

Records are at:
Vital Records
3423 North Martin Luther King Boulevard
P.O. Box 30195
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: (517) 335-8656

Obtaining an Original Birth Certificate:
If parental rights were terminated prior to May 28, 1945, or after September 12, 1980, an adopted adult may receive a copy of the original birth certificate if there is no denial statement on file. If parental rights were terminated between May 28, 1945 and September 12, 1980, an adopted adult must petition the court in which the adoption was finalized.

An adopted adult's adoption record is usually held in the Family Division of Circuit Court (formerly the probate court) closest to the adoptive parents. The court should be able to provide the name of the agency that handled the adoption. Adopted adults may contact the Department of Community Health, Customer Services Section, 3423 North Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., PO Box 30195, Lansing, MI, 48909 to request the name of the court that finalized the adoption.

Hope this works out for you.