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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is it known if Hans Holbein the Younger has any living descendants?


Is it known if Hans Holbein the Younger has any living descendants?

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3 months ago
He had a wife and two children back in Basle (they never traveled with him to England) and in England, at the time of his death he supposedly had two children via a mistress. Of course, in that case, those children would legally have been 'bastards' and who knows if they even carried his surname. That's about all I know about his family life.

3 months ago
My apologies, that should be Basel (as in Switzerland) not "Basle". Oops.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 months ago
He had a wife and two children back in Basle (they never traveled with him to England) and in England, at the time of his death he supposedly had two children via a mistress. Of course, in that case, those children would legally have been 'bastards' and who knows if they even carried his surname. That's about all I know about his family life.