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Position:Home>Genealogy> My last name is Belangia; I have people tell me that I had strong Italian facial


My last name is Belangia; I have people tell me that I had strong Italian facial structures.?

A LOT of my friend's parents as well as my friends always ask me if I'm Italian. I thought of looking up and researching (and have) but there are no records on the last name Belangia? Does anyone know what Belangia means and what qualities an italian has (facial structure and all)? I would much appreciate it. I you can look at my picture and tell if if I fit the "italian look"?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I did a search and it appears from the Immigration records and census information I found almost all of the foreign born Belangia name holders were born in Italy. So... if you have italian features, it would stand to reason!!

I have access to some very helpful databases if you would like to send me some info on your grandparents or great grandparents through my profile. I can get you the census records or immigration records if they have them. You'll probably find it very interesting.