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Where can i look?

Is there any one that can help? My family is from cuba and not sure how to find recoreds. it's probably impossible to do so. I've asked my living grand parents but they can only remember ther parents and some not even that because thay never really knew them i know their sur names if that helps but i want to make a family tree for me and my kid i want them to know where they come from can some one pleas help as much as they can

Thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't have cuban roots; however, here are a few places you might be able to start.

The first two links are message boards where you can post information or queries seeking information. The people that frequent these message boards are other people with Cuban roots. I have found the Gen Forum and Rootswebs message boards invaluable in the search for my own family. There are also message boards for individual last names.

Here are some other links

I hope that these links give you a starting point. Good luck and blessings to you.