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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is "Shuman" the Jewish spelling of "Schumann"?


Is "Shuman" the Jewish spelling of "Schumann"?

I have traced my ancestory back to a John Shuman who lived in Pennsylvania before it was colonized. I am trying to understand if he changed his name from Schumann to Shuman because of concerns about his German heritage or because he may have been Jewish...hence the name Shuman. Perhaps his name was Johann Shumann when he came to our shores??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Shuman is a common spelling among the Pennsylvania Dutch. They were Anabaptists and not a Jew among them. The difference is that many were German-speaking Swiss and they had different ways of spelling than their Palatinate brethren. So spellings changed from one generation to another, or even one year to another, as ministers and teachers changed. Each had his own preference and used it.

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