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Why is ancestry so important in all cultures?

African, Asian, and European traditions have always placed significant importance on Ancestry.

"Before the emergence of world religions – Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam – the major form of spiritual activity in virtually every corner of the globe was comprised of various forms of ancestor veneration or ancestor worship?"

"Try identifying an ancient culture in which paying homage to ancestors was unimportant.You will have a hard time doing it, because there weren't any."

Why are our ancestors so important?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think it is our human need to have a sense of belonging.

If we know who our ancestors were and where they came from, it give us a foundation from which to grow.

I was adopted, and not allowed to speak my native language although I was adopted with my biological brother (we were 5 and 7), and my adoptive mother never made any of our native cultural foods for us.

I felt, and still feel, like an island...I have no real foundation, and I don't know where I belong, and have had to really work hard to find myself...