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Question: Benefits of learning ballroom dancing!?
Why larn ballroom dancing!? im 14 and i was thinking of maybe starting ballroom dace again!. I danced ballroom when i was 10-11 but then i quit!.!.!. is ballroom still in for teenagers!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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dancing with the stars saw my website, and called about using our studio to film the football player celebrity from miami florida and the crew!. well, 20 million viewers!. 20,000,000!. i think its VERY IN!. its totally cool!. i started ballroom when i was 20, after turning pro, in college!. is now my specialty!. so should you continue!.!.!. if you are lucky to have a juniors team in your city, you can compete!. go for it!. worst case senario, you will grow up, and if your boyfriend can't dance well, you will have to look for a man that can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do ballroom dancing!. I am fourteen and i go to a teenage class!. It's never too late to dance, and most people think it's quite sexy to be able to ballroom dance!.

- it keeps you fit, healthy and strong!.
- it tones your muscles almost everywhere on your body
- good for meeting people
- you will know how to dance for future occasions such as weddings, parties etc etc!.
- its easy to learn and most people get it pretty quickly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'still in'!? It's not the height of fashion, but it's still really fun!. Do it if you WANT to not if it's popular!.
It's good for making new friends, and for fitness purposes, and because it's pretty, and fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first off!. it should not matter if it is "in" for teenagers!. I would love to be able to learn to ballroom dance!. Its always good to know how to do!. ballroom dancing can influence other dancing in many ways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You will know how to ballroom dance for future occasionsWww@QuestionHome@Com