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Position:Home>Dancing> How do you ensure you are eating all the right foods as a dancer?

Question: How do you ensure you are eating all the right foods as a dancer!?
As dancers wel all know of the dangers of undereating and over exercising and such!. I am heading towards a professional career and am really trying to eat healthier, but dont really know where to start!. I have cut out soda and general junk food but how many servings of vegetables and fruits are we supposed to get, if the normal person is supposed to get 7 servings how many should a dancer get!?!? Does anyone know about a good proper diet for a dancer!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
us dancers need to stay strong and healthy!. so, we need to eat properly!. 7 servings for a normal non dancer person, the same if not a little more for us!. when eating meat (which has been cut from my diet all together, which is not necessary but my choice) try to stay away from anything fried or greasy!. don't starve yourself though!. if you're hungry, then eat!. don't tyr those speical K things where you don't feel hungry, because you still need to eat regularly, hungry or not!. don't skip meals because you arn't hungry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dancers eat!? I thought they were anerexic!. hehe!. srry!. look at a food guide pyramid like this one!.
