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Position:Home>Dancing> What′s the difference between contemporary ballet and classic ballet?

Question: What′s the difference between contemporary ballet and classic ballet!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Classical Ballet is the most formal of the ballet styles, it adheres to traditional ballet technique!. There are variations relating to area of origin, such as Russian ballet, French ballet and Italian ballet!. The two methods Vaganova method after Agrippina Vaganova and the Cecchetti method after Enrico Cecchetti are Russian and Italian respectively and derive from the original French method!.

Classical ballet is best known for its unique features and techniques, such as pointe work, turn-out of the legs, and high extensions; its graceful, flowing, precise movements; and its ethereal qualities!.

Contemporary ballet is a form of dance influenced by both classical ballet and modern dance!. It takes its technique and use of pointework from classical ballet, although it permits a greater range of movement that may not adhere to the strict body lines set forth by schools of ballet technique!. Many of its concepts come from the ideas and innovations of 20th century modern dance, including floorwork and turn-in of the legs!.
