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Question: Dance Moves!.!?
My friend and I are doing a dance in the talent show together and we really want to do something SUPER cool like that move where you cartwheel then the other person cartwheels together!. Do you know any moves that look super cool and hard but arent too too hard!? If so can I either have the name or instructions or both!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i dunt know if this is your type of dancing but im a breakdancer and these are some moves that are simple you could try
1)knee drop-this move makes it look like like your kicking the back of your knee and falling painfully but isnt in reality andthis is how you do it -lift your left leg and place it behind your right knee and kick yourself causing you to fall forward or to the side, when you fall you land on the toes of your left leg (make sure your toes are tightened so you dunt hurt them)!.
2)you can do some c-walking and if you dunt know how go to www!.pimpmywalk!.com where you learn the c-walk and if done properly the c-walk looks really good!.
(the following moves i can t give instuction for cuz its too hard to explain try looking them up on youtube or google
3)turtle (involves a lot of balance)
4)thread ( more than one type of thread)
5)baby freeze
6)worm (takes some or a lot of work to do smoothly)