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Question: Help with my dance!?
Ok, So im in a jazz dance and its staying alive by the beegees!. well the problem is I always forget to smile bc im so focused on the dance itself!. Im so into the dance and focused and ALWAYS forget! my recital is tomorrow and I want to do my best!. Any ideas!? Thanks and have a fun, safe summer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
think of something funny that you have experienced or witnessed!. this will not only make you smile, but it will help ease the pressure, and you'll be done performing before you know it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am also a dancer! I also have a recital tommorow how funny!. i used to have the same problem before!. Try this, instead of focusing on the dance itself, focus on your smile and the dance will come naturally as you have been probably working on it for a while now!. It worked for me and i hope it works for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Make sure focusing on the dance is your number one concern, after expression!. Practise the dance numerous times until you are confident that you know it!. Once you completely know the dance, you can begin to start working on expression!.
Think of how happy you are to be on stage!. Don't focus on the audience!. Dance like you would if you were alone in your room!. With expression, why stop at a smile!? Add little facial expressions like an "attitude face", as my dance teacher refers to it!. This will liven up the performance, and make it enjoyable to watch!.
I hope this was helpful! Good luck!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

what i do is since if i think of something funny that happened with me and my friends i always laugh i do that something that makes me happy like twinkies haha or u could say if i smile this whole dance i will give myself some cookies when i get home haha hope i helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com