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Position:Home>Dancing> Cheerleading or performance dance?

Question: Cheerleading or performance dance!?
haha!. :)
anyways, i cant decide whether to go into cheerleading or performance dance!. i'm gonna be a freshman next year, and i love dancing!. has anyone been in bothh!? or can someone jus tell me how they both are and which one you would choose!?

also, do you think i should join them freshman year or later!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well im on my schools dance team and i have been since freshman year(im now a junior) and i think it was so worth it!. i love it so much, its been such a big part of my life and cant imagine what i would do without it!. if you love dancing like you say you do then your best bet is to go with dance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i've been in both!. personally, i loved dancing more!. cheerleading is more outward spirited energy whereas (i feel as though) dance has more ways to express the energy!. dance to me is something where you can express yourself more and requires a little bit more finesse!. cheerleading is for those who have the peppy jumpy personality!.

both are great!. but i personally got more out of all forms of dance!. and you can always easily transition from performance dance to cheerleading!.!.!. you can't necessarily do it the other way around!.

joining sooner (so long as you know you want to do it) is better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally like dance better (i will be a freshman next year I made Varsity dance team) but I am also in competitive Cheerleading so i think either way they are both fun!

Happy Dance or Cheer,
Mizz!. JessicaWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have done both and i proffer DANCINGWww@QuestionHome@Com

get involve in science is betterWww@QuestionHome@Com