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Question:I've been going to clinics for a dance team. I streched before practice, but I'm really sore. I want to practice the kicks and the dance routines but I can't because I'm so sore. Is there anything I can do about this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been going to clinics for a dance team. I streched before practice, but I'm really sore. I want to practice the kicks and the dance routines but I can't because I'm so sore. Is there anything I can do about this?

give it a break for a day or two, use a heating pad on your legs, and use icy-hot or a muscle relaxing medicine. make sure stretch before and after each dance and don't over work yourself.

That's normal. You'll get at ease with the routine after a week of training. I recommend not to use any pain killers or whatsoever, if you plan to dance longer. You have to bear the pain since it's much better. However, pain killers are still welcome. It's just that, they will tolerate the pain or will exceed from your potential. Of courseyou won't feel that bad because of the intake.

After 4-7 days, you will get well as your body will adopt to the routine. Right now, your body is still adjusting that's why you feel sore.

(*this is based from my own opinion and to be contested or condemned whatsoever. I hope it will help yu though)

to prevent getting sore, drink loads of water after you stretch. It hydrates your muscles so you won't get so sore.

But....being sore comes with dance. It will always be there a little bit, you learn to live with it...but the water does make it less intense.

you should never stretch before you're not warmed up...

try doing some cardeo work. like running laps of a basketball court... to get your blood flowing for about 5 minutes before you stretch. and then stretch after exercise again.