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Question:i'm just starting ballet classes. i'm kinda nervous. i dont do pointe shoes. only the split toe, canvas.. whatever its called. its gonna be my first time to actually go to a class. my forte is contemporary hiphop and jazz. but i'm taking dance as my major in college. i need this to pass the talent screen. and the dance course only includes ballet...i've never done pointe before.... so can you please help? can you tell me what i need to know, before the classes really start? can you please guide me? ayy....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i'm just starting ballet classes. i'm kinda nervous. i dont do pointe shoes. only the split toe, canvas.. whatever its called. its gonna be my first time to actually go to a class. my forte is contemporary hiphop and jazz. but i'm taking dance as my major in college. i need this to pass the talent screen. and the dance course only includes ballet...i've never done pointe before.... so can you please help? can you tell me what i need to know, before the classes really start? can you please guide me? ayy....

ballet classes are usually independent from pointe classes, especially at a beginning level. no one will expect you to be on pointe. its actually not safe unless you have had ballet training for at least a year. although you are a dancer, the muscles required for pointe are very specific to the movements in ballet. please take it slow..i don't want you to get injured! thats the last thing a dancer wants! ballet classes are usually more formal than other classes, and require more focus on technique. just find a level where you feel comfortable. usually ballet instructors are eager to help you out and turn you into the best ballerina you can be. since you have dance experience, im sure you will do well. just be aware of your body, be respectful of the class, take things slow, and please dont jump into pointe shoes! ballet can be just as beautiful in flats!

Ballet classes tend to be a bit more formal than hip hop or jazz, but other than that think of it as any other dance class.

you have dance experience, so use genrally good dance studio manners, listen to the teacher, etc.

If you are taking a beginners class no one will expect you to know everything, so just take it slow and have fun.

and don't overthink it.

Just because it is ballet doesn't mean it will be done en pointe. There's no where else where there is more courses other than ballet?

if you have never had any ballet experience you should NOT even attempt to go en pointe!! You WILL damage yourself if you try without knowing the basics, if you contact a dance school in your area i am sure they will be able to help you! BUT please do NOT go en pointe if you have no experience ... i have learnt the hardway!

Ok, when you get to the class you need to warm up and just relax, or if your a bit nervous of warming up in front of the class than do it at home and just a little at class! Wear something comfortable, I would suggest jogging bottoms and a vest top although you may have to wear a leotard or the school uniform. Just don't expect miracles on your first attempt and be warned, you are in for pain!!! Pointe is a lot harder and takes its toll on your legs especially your toes and ankles! but stick it out and you will get better. Just concentrate on what the teacher tells you and give it a go! Nothing can be wrong with that! Good luck! xx
However, if you have never done regular ballet, it may not be a good idea for pointe because you will hurt yourself! But just talk to the teacher if you are scared!

As a rank beginner in ballet with no previous experience - you will not be expected to go on pointe and probably not even expected to know ballet terms. What teachers are looking for in a prospective dance major is physique, flexibility, trainability, and a positive attitude. The fact that you already do Jazz, Hip hop and Modern should also go a long ways in getting you accepted in the Dance major program.

if you're in college and have never done pointe, you won't at this stage of the game. there is more to ballet then pointe so don't sweat it. and if you try, you are going to end up suffering. it takes years of training to get en pointe.