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Position:Home>Dancing> How can i build callus on the balls of my feet?

Question:i wear dancepaws, but i want to be able to turn without them. i go barefoot whenever i can, even walking the dog. is there anything else i can do that will toughen them up?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i wear dancepaws, but i want to be able to turn without them. i go barefoot whenever i can, even walking the dog. is there anything else i can do that will toughen them up?

Dance barefoot.

Erm im not sure but if you walk your dog without any shoes its going to hurt your feet more and you can get all sorts of street diseases! Your feet will smell too. Yuck!

carry on walking everywhere barefoot, grow hair on your feet, become a hobbit.

Try doing foutees* on cement or (...and this going to sound really weird...) try wearing open toed high-heels. At first your feet will really slip around in the shoes, but then, your skin will callus around the balls of your feet in order to strengthen your grip when you walk.

what bear foot every were

I'm always barefoot, but I'm not a dancer so I don't really know what it takes to build up calusses for that... but you can try walking more on rough, uneven surfaces like gravel.

Or if you can't go outdoors as much, put a box with some gravel under your desk and play with it, press your feet in it, etc even while seated... maybe a 'pebble mat' will help too, the kind that are sold for Japanese reflexology. (the last couple are some tips from barefooters in cold climates who try to keep their feet tough in winter :)).