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Position:Home>Dancing> How can I learn how to dance?

Question:I want to learn how to dance but do not know how. love music
and I do not know weather should I find a dance class or buy some videos to learn!!
Any advise?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to learn how to dance but do not know how. love music
and I do not know weather should I find a dance class or buy some videos to learn!!
Any advise?

leave it all...come join us if u want to have pure unadulterated fun...good dancer or bad dancer...if ur having fun...ur dancing!

Prithvi and Ree's
Rock Around The Clock Dance Company

It depends on the kind of dancing, but I find dance classes to be better than videos. You can get actual instruction and tutoring from a real person if you're not doing the steps properly, and it's easier to have them slow down, you can watch their feet, etc.

ask your mom to teach you...with non love music though haha

I've been dancing for 10 years (I'm 14) and I think the best way to learn is too have someone who knows what they're doing to show you the steps, so you can do them right and be sure.

If you have no former training, I daresay you won't pick it up from videos, teachers are real people, they're much better, you can ask them questions and they can give you answers.

I say go to a class :)

Dancing is so great. Just wanna add, don't walk out of your first class, as I have danced for a long time, I see person after person walk out, out of embarrassment. It takes time, patience and effort. But dancing, when you get it. It's so wonderful :)

Good luck yeah?