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Question:is there a website whcich teaches you how to salsa..
i am currently taking lessons but feel as though i am not learning anything..
I am in an intemediet class and the teacher rather than teaching us individual steps teaches them as a routine so i get reall confused ... can anyone help me out ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: is there a website whcich teaches you how to salsa..
i am currently taking lessons but feel as though i am not learning anything..
I am in an intemediet class and the teacher rather than teaching us individual steps teaches them as a routine so i get reall confused ... can anyone help me out ?

Forget that. All you'll learn is patterns. To learn to dance, you'll need private lessons. If they aren't available in salsa, get them in a ballroom studio. That's where you'll actually learn to dance, as opposed to aping steps (and there is a difference).


its better u search in goole...

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