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Position:Home>Dancing> What is type of music/dance in Hungary?

Question:different types of dancing and music in hungary

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: different types of dancing and music in hungary

Czardas is the national dance of Hungary. It is a couples dance . The feet snap in and out. It is often danced to music performed by a full Gypsy orchestra. The first part is slow and melodic. The second part is up beat. The ballroom dance in the ballet, "Swan Lake" is a czardas.

Popular social dances are the square dance, Bohemian Polka, and the Polish Mazurka.
In Budapest cultural houses called Tanchaz teach lessons in traditional folk dances and then everyone dances.

You tube has sites you can watch Hungarian dancers.
{just type in your search engine"you tube Hungarian dance"]
You tube also has a site where you can listen to Hungarian Composer ,Johannes Brahms, music, Hungarian Dance No. 5 being played.

Rudolph Labon, the famous modern dance choreographer and analyst came from Hungary.

Hungary has professional ballet and folk dance groups.

if you mean traditional music, it would be Polka.