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Position:Home>Dancing> How does dance make you feel?

Question:im making a graphic for my friend and she wants me to make one for dance. [the quote graphics with the cute writing].... but i dont dance at all.

so i need help.

also if you would like a grahpic as well
my myspace email to find me is

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im making a graphic for my friend and she wants me to make one for dance. [the quote graphics with the cute writing].... but i dont dance at all.

so i need help.

also if you would like a grahpic as well
my myspace email to find me is

dance makes me feel many different things. dance is a wonderful thing and i feel like without life would not be worth living. and everytime i dance onstage i feel sooooo happy and i enjoy it soooo much. if i could marry it i would...but that is not possible :)

how does dance make me feel? well I don't know about your friend but I breakdance and breakdancing makes me feel untoachable and that I can do anything because a lot of people can't do what I'm doing =] hope i helped!

I am a ballerina and dancing almost makes you feel "high". You don't think about anything and it is amazing. It takes you away from the real world. It also makes you feel healthier, and at the end of the night you feel tired and maybe sore, but it is so worth it!

well tap makes my feel like i got rythem. ballet and lyrical makes me feel graceful, beautiful, and light as a feather.
hope i helped!

It feels great! If I didn't feel good dancing I wouldn't dance 4 days a week. When I dance I stop thinking about all my problems and just dance.

I Dont Ballet.. And Its Jusstt to amazing.. When your dancing you just get lost in a fairy tale and it makes you feel different and happy.. I Just LOOOVE IT xD

I'm in jazz and I love it. Dancing makes me feel great!