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Position:Home>Dancing> How will i EVER learn all the terminology in Ballet AND?

Question:know what in means.. :(

I feel totally lost in class right now. Is there a site i can go to that i can see the terminology along with a visual of the moves to help me along so i can study it? Please help. I am addicted to Ballet but when she calls out the terms i totally feel insecure and it is then that i falter. I feel like a failure.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: know what in means.. :(

I feel totally lost in class right now. Is there a site i can go to that i can see the terminology along with a visual of the moves to help me along so i can study it? Please help. I am addicted to Ballet but when she calls out the terms i totally feel insecure and it is then that i falter. I feel like a failure.

hey i found out some stuff from this site as I also am lost in my ballet class too! i just started so yeh..
try it:

definately the best website for that kind of stuff! on the tabs at the top click education and then click library. from there it will show you a page with two options and click ballet dictionary. they have all kinds of terms with videos and pictures! its very helpful for beginners. and trust me, you will come to know all the terminology. after awhile it just comes to you

American Ballet Theatre has a dictionary section on their website, where they have some of their dancers demonstrating things. It's quite entertaining to see such fine professionals demonstrating so clearly!
Here's the link:
Some of the terms don't have demonstrations, although most of them do.
It's a little tricky, because the words aren't always spelled how they're pronounced (since they're all in French), so don't let that stumble you! If you still have trouble once you go onto the website, maybe ask your teacher to go through a printed-out list with you so you can hear her say the word when you see it written out. Just a suggestion! :)
Hope ABT's dictionary helps!

ABT has a great site where you can learn it: There is also videos of them demonstrating the step.

It is hard memorizing the names, but what helps me is to say it over and over again when doing the steps. So saying Pas de bourrée whenever doing it.

I hope this helps ;)

Since most ballet terminology is in French, it may help to learn what these words mean in English.
e.g. plies = bends
jete = jump
tour = turn
pas de bas = low step
brise = brush
frappe = flick

Figure out how you learn best. Is it by saying things out loud? Reading? Seeing someone do it? Physically doing it? Writing it? Try a lot of different things. Watch yourself do the positions/steps in the mirror while saying the words and the meanings.

buy a dance dictionary! It will end up being much more useful than websites. It is a resource you can keep for years.

I recommend

I have had both books for over 15 years and reference them constantly

another good one is