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Position:Home>Dancing> Is it gay for a guy to go to hip hop dance?

Question:It sounds shallow but I dont want ppl to get the wrong idea. I personally dont think its girly but society probably does. Should I go to the class? Should I even be worried about my rep? What do u think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It sounds shallow but I dont want ppl to get the wrong idea. I personally dont think its girly but society probably does. Should I go to the class? Should I even be worried about my rep? What do u think?

No. I am offended at the stereotype that all male dancers are gay (even though I am a girl). If hip-hop is what you want to do, go for it.

At the dance studio I attend, my teacher is a guy, and he is not gay by any means! He was married (his wife died, very tragic).

Did you know that professional football players have to take ballet? So if they are not being considered gay with ballet, why should you with something even less "girly" than ballet?

And in the long run, people who make fun of you are not worth it, you will forget them, and go on living your life.

DANCE if YOU want to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No.......... !! Not at all!


not at all... ballet is what pepole think is gay for a guy to. anything else is socially acceptable

If you like it do it, and live life to make yourself happy. Remember your living life for you , no one else.

You really shouldn't care what people say. Hip hop is not gay at all ... I know a lot of male dancers and most of them are really popular with everyone and I don't recall anyone thinking them as "gay."


you should definitely get in ppl wont get the wrong idea many guys dance hip hop these days and there not considered gay. and some girls even find that attractive

no! i know alot of girls that think it's hot when guys can dance!!

