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Position:Home>Dancing> Can you do layouts with your mouth closed?

Question:I can't! You should see the pics of me at comps lol I've got like one eye all screwed mouth open really wide.

I just can't do it closed LOL. I'm just wondering if anyone else has this problem lol...?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can't! You should see the pics of me at comps lol I've got like one eye all screwed mouth open really wide.

I just can't do it closed LOL. I'm just wondering if anyone else has this problem lol...?

I LOVE THIS QUESTION! ITS SO TRUE! After 22 years of dancing and gymnastics, I think I have it to the point where I can breath heavily out of my nose and push my tongue to the roof of my mouth so I don't look so guppy-esque...but it still aint pretty lol. And I totally squint my left eye lol. Hahaha thanks, I needed that!

Ok, so I of course just tried this out to see, and it's similar for me! I can do it with my mouth shut, but it feels really weird! I feel like I'm suffocating lol...First I tried it but forgot I had a huge mouthful of strawberry ice cream in my mouth so that didn't go too well, but when just tried again it does feel weird. Another thing I have noticed is on sote chats I tend to move my chin forward and it looks really stupid. haha, that's a good question! It will be interesting to see what other people say. =]

not sure what you mean, but maybe if you send me a picture i could see.

i talk to much to close my mouth so its open

So I had to just try that haha, and I am surprised that I can do it with my mouth closed! I can really feel the muscles in my neck pulling though haha, and they relax when I close my mouth. Maybe you do that naturally because of the whole straining neck muscle thing.

haha, idk.

nope i cant do that either but then again some think that i can part the red sea well no such luck

it depends, if you mean a dance layout (the one where you kick and your head goes backwards) then yes i can do it with my mouth closed. if you mean a gymnastics layout (like a backflip but w/ a straight body) then i keep my mouth open.

I can close it in a dance layout, but not a gymnastics style one.

When I do layouts, I am in my bed and asleep.
You would have to visit me to see if I had my mouth open or closed.

idkk sendd me a picc plzz