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Position:Home>Dancing> How to Turf??

Question:You know the dance?? Look how to Turf?? Is it just whatever or specific??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You know the dance?? Look how to Turf?? Is it just whatever or specific??

I loved seeing the video you shared with me. Lots of locking and popping ! If you type in your search engine "you tube turf dancind tutorial" you will find lessons on how to break this down so you can learn! Good Luck!!

Lot of locking involve, footwork, I guess it could be whatever too.

haha ive seen this video before, i myself am learning, but its not really much, well it is but its all about creativity, turfing is a mix of different styles of dancing, but here are the basics

body waving
arm waving
learn how to do the "drop" (where you put one leg behind the other and drop)

thats all that i know of for now, but the most important thing is to BE ORIGINAL, don't copy off others, you can watch their vids and learn the moves but its best to make up your own stuff and BE CREATIVE!!!

hope this helps!!! =D