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Position:Home>Dancing> Spotting on pirouettes? pleaseee help!?

Question:ok so i can spot on my single turns but not on my doubles!! i don't know how to make my head go around twice while still spotting. i can spot on the first but then stop on the second which throws me off! please help me!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok so i can spot on my single turns but not on my doubles!! i don't know how to make my head go around twice while still spotting. i can spot on the first but then stop on the second which throws me off! please help me!

You need to keep on practicing and it will just come to you! Make sure what ever you are spotting is at eye level and just whip your nead round. Or you could just practice single pirouettes until you are an expert at those and then double turns shouldnt be such a problem. Just keep steady, prepare adn keep good balance and you should do it! If you are trying to them in pointe shoes try flat ballet shoes to learn in them once you have the technique transfer it over to pointe.

You can do it, all you need is practice. Make sure that you keep your chin level the whole time. Keep your center too! Try putting a bright sticker on the wall at your eye level, it makes it easier to spot when you have something easy to spot on. Good luck!

make sure the spot dont blend in with its surrrondings and its @ eye level!!! . all you neeed is partice. u can do it.

What helped me was doing a single and then doing a single and a half and then stopping and then doing just a half.

I tried doubles forever, but never got them right. Heck, I still mess up every now and then. Spotting definately is a big thing to work on, and it can be tough. First, try practicing in flat ballet shoes. Next, do singles over and over again. Don't try to whip your neck around really fast, just move it as you turn. Next, try doubles, slowly, and keep moving your head with your body. Try to pick out a single, distinguished spot on the wall. Practice this a lot, and you will figure it out! Good luck!

Practice spotting by just spinning around and round and looking at the same spot over and over again and then at the turns when you got the spot right.

do some spotting exercises like just turning around while spotting, do this slowly until you get good at it, then go faster each time.
that's the only one i know