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Position:Home>Dancing> I need some tips on breakdancing!?

Question:Well, I have been breakdancing for a month now and I have all the average things down pat. I can do baby freeze, headstand freeze, helicopter/coffee grinder, jump off the floor when laying down with just legs, a lot of difficult freezes I made up and 6, 4, 2 step. I need some tips on these moves:

Windmill- (how long it took to master it)
Flare- (how long it took to master it)
Cricket- (how long it took to master it)
Headspin- (same as above)
Headspring- (same as above)
And any other moves that you think I would have difficulty with =] thnxss bunchess

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, I have been breakdancing for a month now and I have all the average things down pat. I can do baby freeze, headstand freeze, helicopter/coffee grinder, jump off the floor when laying down with just legs, a lot of difficult freezes I made up and 6, 4, 2 step. I need some tips on these moves:

Windmill- (how long it took to master it)
Flare- (how long it took to master it)
Cricket- (how long it took to master it)
Headspin- (same as above)
Headspring- (same as above)
And any other moves that you think I would have difficulty with =] thnxss bunchess

since your saying master the move...
windmills - about 3-4 months for at least 5
flares - a year for at least 5
cricket - 2-3 months
Headspin - 3-4 months for at least 5
Headspring -2-3 weeks

Windmills are more of technique
Flares are a mix of technique and power
Crickets are technique
Headspins balance fo sho...
Headspring...i say flexibility

Mastering a move is a lot harder than being able to do a move.
If you keep practicing you'll get it.
Visit to join the online bboying community there are lots of questions answered there.

Im assuming your a girl from your avatar.
Hardest move for you will probably be airflares
I have yet to see a bgirl pull 2-3 off.
You might someday prove me wrong though...
Elbowtracks you'll probably be able to get
Btw i love bgirls!
Good luck.

Kay sorry, this won't answer your question but I have a question for you.

Being a girl, do you find it difficult to do the freezes? I can barely hold myself up.. you must be strong =T.

Been bgirlin' for a month? You gettin' pretty good :]. Seeing as I don't know how much you practice and your fitness level, it's pretty hard to say how much it will take you to get certain moves but I can give you some kind of idea.
Windmills - LOTS OF PRACTICE FOR THIS. You'll have to watch lots of tutorial vids and try em out over and over again. It'll be frustrating and hard to get. At least a half a year or so if you try hard to get around one rotation. Remember, quality is better than quantity so make sure you get one perfect rotation before moving on.
Flare - Same thing as the windmills just a lot longer. Flares are pretty hard and require your dedication to keep practicing.
Cricket - These will require some mad forearm skills and the ability to control your body overall. First, you'll have to understand the technique of 'pumping' and keep practicing. I would have to say over a year :\.
Headspin - Keep practicing these. That's the only way to do it. There's no trick or shortcut to do it but to keep practicing. Over a year probably.
Headspring - argg I've been working on these for a while and I still can't get it ._. First you have to be able to do a front hand spring. Then build your neck and shoulder muscles. Keep trying it out in a safe way ( I do it from a squatting position). Probably +1 years.
Keep it up! good luck