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Position:Home>Dancing> Sidesplits/frontsplits?

Question:if you can do one can you do the other

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if you can do one can you do the other

Not necessarily. Just because you can do a right split doesn't make you automatically able to do a left or middle split. Each split stretches different muscles, so you still need to work on stretching each split equally. For example, for a while all I could do was my right split. Then I got my left split down, and I'm still working on my middle split.

no. i dont think so at are using totally different muscles. on you are using your hamstrings, and the other you are using your groin muscles

no it different muscle groups ur stretching

a split isn't just a split

nope cux i can do side but not frunts

no i can do both side & front splits but i can only do that becuase i have worked hard to get there.