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Position:Home>Dancing> Where can i try out to be a backup dancer?

Question:am i old enuff? im 16. i've been dancing since i was 3. i want to be a backup dancer for like hannah montana :] or on that show dance on sunset on nickelodean. i think im good enuff when i watch hte other dancers im at their level.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: am i old enuff? im 16. i've been dancing since i was 3. i want to be a backup dancer for like hannah montana :] or on that show dance on sunset on nickelodean. i think im good enuff when i watch hte other dancers im at their level.

An alum from our studio, Penni Abrantes, is one of HM's backup dancers. Basically, you audition and get a really good agent. They'll hook you up with lots of auditions, etc. Chances are, if you're 16, you won't get hired when compared to an 18 year old, unless you are mindblowingly talented. Like, jaw-dropping, stop everybody in the room talented; or unless you've been doing commercial work for a long time and you've already got a good resume. I would just concentrate on your technique classes right now. A lot of times, it isn't even about level. It's about your dance style and performance. I can tell you for a fact that people would rather watch an unflexibe dancer with AMAZING focus, performance, guts, and energy, than an technically brilliant, totally flexible dancer who's boring. Unless you're doing ballet. =P

Good luck; I hope you find what you're searching for. (Also, there's a studio called The Rage Entertainment Complex in Granada Hills near L.A. It's the site of many, many auditions, and the director has more connections than Entertainment Tonight. Check it out if you really want to break into the commercial world strong.)

good luck!

Auditions are for those type of jobs are usually held only in Los Angeles and New York.

It is very competitive, like hundreds of dancers trying for 4 or 5 spots.

Moving to LA or NY, and getting an agent is the best way to go after that type of career.

BUT: Many choreographers only hire dancers over 18 to avoid child labor law issues.