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Position:Home>Dancing> How do I make my own dance routine?

Question:I really want to do a routine on Goody Two Shoes. But I have no steps to it. Any suggestions.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really want to do a routine on Goody Two Shoes. But I have no steps to it. Any suggestions.

I would like to make a more elaborate answer, but it is so easy to find this. type in your search engine {google] "you tube 1950's dance." This will give you ideas. Then count the music. You can add anything you want. Just go for the feel of the era.

What type of dancing do you want to do with your routine?

The Best way to work out routines is to look at things from that era. Search 1950's in you tube or Google and have a look at some classic ballroom dancing, or classic movies like footloose. Even if they aren't from the era, you can mix them up to make your own. Good luck.