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Position:Home>Dancing> Help, I'm going to an 80's club in 2 hours, how do I dance????

Question:Ok I can dance to hiphop easily without looking like a fool, but I am going to an 80's club in 2 hours with a girl I'm dating and her do I dance to 80's music without looking like an idiot???

Any help is greatly appreciated, esp. links to youtube tutorials/etc.!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok I can dance to hiphop easily without looking like a fool, but I am going to an 80's club in 2 hours with a girl I'm dating and her do I dance to 80's music without looking like an idiot???

Any help is greatly appreciated, esp. links to youtube tutorials/etc.!!!

Having come from the 80's myself, my suggestion would be just to watch everybody else for a bit an see what they are doing. 80's dance is not exactly "hip hop" and dress is quite "flashy" compared to modern hip hop.

Just watch everyone else, listen to the music, listen to the beat and be yourself.