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Position:Home>Dancing> Why is that I can dance better in high heels then if Im wearing flats or kitten

Question:I just realised it.If Im wearing high heels I can move and dance properly but if Im wearing flats or kitten heels I can barely move.Can someone explain.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just realised it.If Im wearing high heels I can move and dance properly but if Im wearing flats or kitten heels I can barely move.Can someone explain.

Okay! its not because of the look as stuff, you still can look hot in flats. the thing is that you are used 2 dance with high heels, and you have techniques only when you dance in high heels, if you practice more in flats you will be able 2 dance better too. you cant dance the same way, the same moves that you do when you wear high heels than flats.. i mean when i wear a sneaker, i dance street this is only thing that can come out of me and it makes sense, but im wearing high heels, i cant do the same moves, because my body wont think that way, but i dance RnB wich is more sexier!

You feel better and think you look better in heels. At least that's the case with me.

It could be that you're feet don't have the proper arch(flat feet).

The heels put you in better posture.

maybe it gives you better balence, I personally dance best in my jazz shoes, to each their own

high heels force your weight onto the ball of your foot, which makes you more agile and more graceful.

u feel comfortable & full of confident in heel . and may be someone very dear & near of u likes u in heel.

You look and feel better in heels