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Position:Home>Dancing> Is there an underground type of dance crew in Baltimore, Maryland?

Question:I was wondering if there really is a dance crew in Baltimore, like in Step Up 2...if there is then I would deff wanna go and see them where ever they are. I live in MD and I freestyle, along with many other types of dance...let me know please!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was wondering if there really is a dance crew in Baltimore, like in Step Up 2...if there is then I would deff wanna go and see them where ever they are. I live in MD and I freestyle, along with many other types of dance...let me know please!
you can get much information in this website,kindly stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time

just to let you know
step up is pretty fake storyline-wise.
i was actually in the first step up and go to the real arts school that was portrayed in the first movie and its nothing like it.