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Question:No matter what I do, I can't do more than a single pirouette. It's not like I fall over or anything when I try, I just don't rotate farther than one complete turn. What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No matter what I do, I can't do more than a single pirouette. It's not like I fall over or anything when I try, I just don't rotate farther than one complete turn. What am I doing wrong?

I used to have this same problem, but with a little practice and help from my teacher I can do them perfectly each time! Before you do your pirouettes, go into poesa and come down. Do it again and then try turning.Make sure you are squared up before you turn and spot. If you just can't spot right practice in the mirror turning your head really quickly! Spot yourself. Also, make sure you can see your hand that is going to close into the other one. I wasn't doing any of these things but once my teacher pointed it out, I could do it perfectly! It really made a difference.
Here is another tip that might help!
First, do quarter turns all around till you get to the front. Then do two half turns. Then do a full turn! This really helps. If none of these tips works(which I doubt) then after class talk to your teacher. She may help you and give you a few tips. Practice these things everyday and before you know it you'll be a pro. at pirouettes!
Good luck! :)

make sure u r spotting and look in a full mirror while your doing it. it also helps to wear socks on a wood or slippery floor.

imagine you have a string connected to your center, stand in a good posture and spot, spot really quickly and as your head turn your body would follow,

good luck

Ok i used to have this problem but with practice and the right technique it was sorted in no time. start by pointing your foot out to the side of the way you are wanting to turn. hold both your arms out to the sides as you're doing this. then bring the pointed foot and put it behind you straight with your front leg slightly bent.have the same arm as behind leg out in front of you in secondand the other arm still out as it was. then to spin wisk the outer arm to meet the arm in front of you and bring the behind leg just above your ankle infront of your leg. spot properly and you should be doing double pirouettes in no time. :D

Jazz pirouettes(in my opinion) are the easyest and look the best.
Step 1:
Start with your arms paralel with the floor on you left and right.
Step 2:
Bring your left arm directly in front of you still stretched out and paralel with the floor. At the same time step back with your right foot a foot and a half or so.
Step 3: go to step forward and go up on your your toes and bring you right leg(foot pointed) so the foot is right next to your knee.

You can start by just making window turns and then half turns then try and go all the way around. Remember ballence is a key factor and doing jazz pirouettes gives you better ballence. Practice makes did for me

Whip your head quicker.Also to practice getting the momentum towards the end of your first turn, pull your arms in, that should increase your speed. It is in fact better to fall every once in a while. Try to push yourself further, it won't hurt you. It is alot easier to put less momentum than more.
*I hope this helps!!!

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