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Position:Home>Dancing> Too embarrassed to take dance classes?

Question:For the longest time I have wanted to take hip hop dancing classes. However, my parents refused to take me to them but now that I am a older I have the chance to do so. But the thing is that I'm sort of embarrassed to be a 17 year old just barely starting to take dancing classes.

Do you guys think that its too late?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For the longest time I have wanted to take hip hop dancing classes. However, my parents refused to take me to them but now that I am a older I have the chance to do so. But the thing is that I'm sort of embarrassed to be a 17 year old just barely starting to take dancing classes.

Do you guys think that its too late?

It is definitely not to late to start dance classes. At the studio I used to attend, there were plenty of people who started dancing in their teen years. Don't let embarrassment stop you from taking up dance because it's never to late. As additional encouragement, if you watched "So You Think You Can Dance" last year (basically the dance version of American Idol), the winner last season, Sabra, prior to the show, had only been dancing for 4 years. That means she began dancing at age 16 and went on to win this television show. I reiterate, it's never to late to dance.

I definetly don't think it's too late. I would look for someplace in your area that offers adult classes or beginner classes targeted at older students, though, because you might feel more comfortable in one of those.

I have the same fear, or aspiration that is. I don't think it's too late but I think that you should find a dance studio that puts classes together through your age and not talent. That way you can be with people your own age as well, even if they are at higher levels, it's better than dancing with 5 year olds.

no i was 9 wen i started taking folkorico classes i was the oldest person in the class but everybody didnt care + that means ull learn it better faster so can go into a higher level of the class were there are people your age

Definitely not. Hip-hop is one of those dance forms that is popular with a wide age range, and you probably won't be the oldest person in the room. Even if you are, it can be fun to dance with younger kids. They can be entertaining to observe and mentor and I can guarantee that they will think you are SO COOL because you are older.

Of corse not,
You can start at whatever age you like..
Just as long as ur commited and ready for some fun!
Dont be worried that people stare at you the first day...thats just what people do!
Ive been through it...You think that nobody likes you, and you think your a crap dancer!
But however it goes, its about the dancing not about who likes you and who doesnt..
Give it a try!
If its not your thing then thats ok, at least u gave it a shot.

Go for gold...
You will be pleased you tryed it one day!