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I am a dancer about to be on pointe. Right now I have a rebock bag and it can barley hold 4 dance shoes, band aids, spray, hairbrush, etc. If can tell me where to get a good duffle for under 50$ i would be happy!!! 10 points

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a dancer about to be on pointe. Right now I have a rebock bag and it can barley hold 4 dance shoes, band aids, spray, hairbrush, etc. If can tell me where to get a good duffle for under 50$ i would be happy!!! 10 points

Online, there is Discount Dance Supply which has a nice duffle bag for $25 -

There are a bunch on All About Dance (another online store) -

Online Dancewear has a few really nice ones -

As does Spirit Corner -

I hope these help you find the right bag. If not, there are tons of other online stores which sell nice duffle bags designed for dance.

I <3 ur name!!! :D hehe. its mine too! ok well-i would try Victoria Secrets(apparently they have duffel bags there...) You can go to stores like Bentley's and they probably have duffel bags there under 50$ to!!

Hope I helped enough...;j...

lots of bags there, look on other websites also.


it will kill your feet but you will love it!

If you live in Kitchener Ontario then you can buy one at Inspirations. You probably don't live there, but you can buy one at adidas, puma, or nike. You can also buy one on the internet at or some other website. If you can't find one then ask your dance teacher where you can buy one. Good Luck:)

u could get a dance bad @ they have great stuff there at a good price. i dance intensly and i order tons of stuff from there.

bloch has some pretty big bags for under $50, and seeing as bloch is a dance store i'd try there :D