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Position:Home>Dancing> Im kind of overweight, but Im extreemly flrexible?

Question:I was in gymnastics and dance for a long time but am overweight and 16 years old. I have an extreemly slow metabolism, so I was basically wondering could I do a hip-hop class and or do some type of dancing (like in step up 2) and become a pro. if I really worked hard at it...I also pick up steps fast, just curious cuz I love to dance and am not sure if I could get accepted into a university if Im yeah (plz b nice)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was in gymnastics and dance for a long time but am overweight and 16 years old. I have an extreemly slow metabolism, so I was basically wondering could I do a hip-hop class and or do some type of dancing (like in step up 2) and become a pro. if I really worked hard at it...I also pick up steps fast, just curious cuz I love to dance and am not sure if I could get accepted into a university if Im yeah (plz b nice) @ 18 I was 222 lbs and a dancer and dance teacher. Now @ 25, I am 177lbs a professional dancer in Orlando, FL. I won't lie either, being heavy and a dancer is hard because people gage your talent on your weight. i have fought it for years. I have always been heavier and like you quite flexible. I think you should take a hip hop class or two to get more into shape and exercise. Join a gym, eat well and be the best you can be. I would maybe also take ballet, jazz, and contemporary. these classes will help you in getting into a college program.

How can you get into a university if you can't remember to spell check so people can understand what the hell you're trying to write?

If I were you... I would take dance TO lose weight AND learn. Pretty good, eh? That's using the ol' noggin.

are you extremely overwieght? for your health and future you may want to shed a few pounds. Also, you need to be fit if you want to be a full flesh dancer. If you work hard enough and get fit and practice dance alot, i am sure you will reach your goal. I am a dancer also, but i am not in college, i am still a student.

i think you can do anything you set your mind too!just work hard and this and you can overcome your weight problem

try to loose weight but even though you sould probably get in :0 ;)

right so dancing as a pro would be hard.
It's extremely competetive!
To do this you not only need to take hip-hop classes but you'll need to be fit. See if you're overweight you're going to be going slower and your movements might not look as fluid.
But the thing is, if you practice dance (a lot) then you'll need energy-to get the energy you'll need to eat well. If your dancing a lot (like you'll need to) and eating well (like you'll need to) then you'll also lose weight!
But you should also know this- it's a hard life. My cousin went into this and she just quite because she was spending more money than she was earning and she had made out real well as a pro dancer. And she was LUCKY. she had worked all her life (at three she was taking jazz. at seven she was taking ballet, gymnastics, and jazz. at ten she started hip hop, jazz, tap, and ballet and continued into her senior year of high school). I'm not trying to discourage you because you really could make it! But you have GOT to put you're whole heart into this. You have to WANT IT BAD.
Practice like hell. Eat really well (DON'T diet at all! You won't have energy and it will hurt you. just don't eat a lot of fatty foods. but you can have McDonalds now and then. And chocolate now and then. all that good stuff. but only a little and you need proper nutrition). and you could definately make it! Plus you'll lose that extra weight :)

I'm not trying to discourage you AT ALL! I love that you have this dream. But it's reallllly competetive! You need to be really amazing! I'm telling you what to expect but I have high hopes for you! You sound like you could make it and I'm not just saying that.
Consider my advice on practice and your food.
Perhaps even consider taking a jazz class along with hip-hop and gymnastics.

best wishes,
Katie <3

I would suggest you start doing some cardio and maybe take a Hip-Hop class to see if you like it. Most universities have dance classes (and they don't accept you by you size). Just try it, work at it, and if you really want'll get it. Take a couple of other college course as a back up though. You never want to put all your eggs in one basket! :o)

You have 2 years to TAKE DANCE and LOSE WEIGHT. How about that for a novel idea?

k, well JAzz dance is wonderful, it exersizes your whole body and you become scary strong to, It's really fun to do! I does make you defenetaly loose weight, a good dance class should tier you out really well. Jazz is a great dance for fun and to loose weight and get healthy! :~)