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Position:Home>Dancing> I'm trying out 4 cheer any advice?

Question:Only anwer if ur a cheerleader or have been one

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Only anwer if ur a cheerleader or have been one

practice before you go in, i dunno what kind of cheerleading you are doing.
Make sure you are flexible, strong, and can do the flips and tumbling and what not!
Put a smile on your face, Be confindent, and Go for it!


joining a dance company is better if your good at dance. cheerleaders are so annoying i hate them

I've been a cheerleader since 5th grade. My advice. Smile but not a fake smile actually be enthusiastic, try your hardest- do your best stunts the judges will notice, keep your composure- basically if you mess up be cool and keep going. After you try out keep me posted I want to know how it goes.

keep it tight trust me, i dance and the coach said that makes me more loose with my movements......Smile and be Loud, and try to really stand out

be loud aw and stiff.

practice practice practice

smile & be loud & spirit. judges like confidence & showing that you want to be there. dont say "whooooo" & "yayyy" after a cheer or jump when spiriting, they dont like that. use phrases like: "lets go (team name or mascot)" & "come on big (colors)", things like that.
be tight & flexible. itll help you in a lot of areas.
SMILE (stressing the importance) :D

You need crazy showmanship. You need that big cheesy smile and act super happy to be there, rough day or not. The judges need to feel your energy, honestly that is probably more important than the actual cheer it's self. Sell it! Make them want to see you again. The point of a cheerleader is to get the crowd pumped at a game, the cheerleader next to you that knows all the moves but has no energy or smiles isn't going to get the crowd going.