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Position:Home>Dancing> Why does dancing make my ab muscles so sore?

Question:I just started dancing to lose weight last night, when I woke up i could barely stretch them!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just started dancing to lose weight last night, when I woke up i could barely stretch them!!!

This is because when you dance, your balance comes from your ab muscles which function as your center. Most moves, such as contractions and turns, are dependent on strong core muscles. When you first start dancing, you are using these muscles in ways you haven't before, so naturally they aren't as developed and become sore. This is why dancers do so much training focusing on their abs.

Because you are working them muscles it may not feel like it at the time but you use your stomach muscles alot when you dance. warm up and cool down to stop aching so much.

When you dance, you activate so many muscles and even though you don't feel it you work them out. So, if you dance a lot you're bound to feel sore the next day.

Maybe because you have not warmed up properly

When you dance you use your abs alot (leg extensions, bar work, etc.).