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Question:how can your ballet teacher tell when your ready for pointe shoes (what do they look for??)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how can your ballet teacher tell when your ready for pointe shoes (what do they look for??)

-strong ankles
-good arch
-not sickle-ing ur foot
-being able to be on elavea and put ur foot in a posse without holding onto the barre
-that ur the proper age
-that you've been dancing long enough
happy dancing!
P.S If you want to know what to work on to get toe shoes, ask your dance instructer after class! Also, if you want to know if your ready, ask him/her!

strength (ankles...)
and normally they want about 4 years of ballet training.

they defenitley look for strong ankles! and to see ur technique is good, if it isnt good now it wont be good on pointe :) ull get there it just takes some time! well hope this hellps:D