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Position:Home>Dancing> How old is too old????

Question:How old is too old to become a professional ballet dancer, is it 18, 21, 14??? At what age do companies no longer accept new dancers, because I think that I could possibly have the potential to be professional, that's what I have had people tell me, but I just went en pointe, I'm 21 what do you think??
Thanks again!!!
Please don't be mean I realize that it is probably unrealistic, but I just wonder what others think.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How old is too old to become a professional ballet dancer, is it 18, 21, 14??? At what age do companies no longer accept new dancers, because I think that I could possibly have the potential to be professional, that's what I have had people tell me, but I just went en pointe, I'm 21 what do you think??
Thanks again!!!
Please don't be mean I realize that it is probably unrealistic, but I just wonder what others think.

no one is ever to old. I heard about a 92 year old man who started tap dancing about 2 years ago, after his wife died. He went on a tv talent show, and now I think he does it professionally. maybe because he was very talented and his age was a novelty. So it's not too late, what ballet company in there right mind would reject a skilled dancer just because of their age? I'd go for it :-D

Just follow your dream!!
It's never too late!!

I think you should go for it no matter what your age. I can't imagine that all the famous dancers started at 5 years old. If you want to be a professional Ballerina, then by golly, go for it. Do whatever it takes. Life's to short not to aim high. If one company won't take you, go check out another one. Take whatever classes you need to. Don't worry about your age, go out and grab your goal!
Best of luck to you. Cheers.

Go for it. If your good, why wouldn't they take you?!?!?!

Good luck!

I think your just too older you hav to be 3years old

I heard about this lady who didn't start ballet until she was 13 but then took class every day,was very dedicated and got into a really good ballet company.If you tell you teachers what you want to do they could suggest things.

One is never too old to do anything one desires. It's all in the frame of one's mind. I you believe in yourself, you ought to be able to do anything your heart desires whether you're 21 years old, 30 or 100.

13, when you turn into a stupid teenager