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Question:school dances are like a bunch of people dancing in the middle of the room and everyone is on top of eachother. the girls are always with the guys. how am i supposed to dance in the middle too without looking retarted and without me grinding on the guys.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: school dances are like a bunch of people dancing in the middle of the room and everyone is on top of eachother. the girls are always with the guys. how am i supposed to dance in the middle too without looking retarted and without me grinding on the guys.

at a school dance you don't have to dance with a guy. and the music isn't always slow. What I do is stay with a group of friends and dance with them ,and when there isn't a song i like i just go and get something to drink

You dance with your friends....and way would you want to be in the middle if it makes you uncomfortable? I think school daces can be a joke sometimes. I would probablly hang out with friends, maybe go to the dance for a little while and then go see a movie..or do something funnier than stand in the middle of the dance floor in a completly awkrad situtaltion and feel uncomfortable.

Typical Dance. But if you wanna dance and have fun and not have to be grinding with some guy then ask your best girl friend to go out and dance. Nothing like weird, juss like "Let's go dance!". It's really common and not anything lesbian or whatever. More specifically maybe your bestfriend?

Hope I helped!

School dances like that are.. lame. Especially when you have to pay money to get in. Normally, everyone is one big group, but in the big group, everyone has a little group. Maybe get a group of your friends and join the larger group. But don't waste your time sitting on the side next to all the backpacks hah.