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Question:Im desperate to do a good split leap but my legs dont go high enough, how do i make them higher?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im desperate to do a good split leap but my legs dont go high enough, how do i make them higher?

I agree with the other posters that having a good split can make for a better split jump, but I have never had a great split, and still get constantly put into parts that require a lot of jumps and get compliments in class on my jumps.

One thing that is really important is to make sure that you really batement your front leg as you are starting your jump.

As you are taking off of the floor, you want to really think about pushing off the ground and puching the energy down into the floor fron your core all the way down your leg to your toes. Really think about using all the muscles to push off the ground from your quads, to to muscles in your feet. Alot of times we are not mindful about using all the muscles, and just kind of jump instinctually. Really thinking about using all the muscles will really give you more lift.

Another thing that makes you really look like you are flying is to kind of snap or pop your legs open a bit more at the top of your jump. This gives the peak of your jump a little more ooomf.

Good luck.

First you have to have a good split. Then you have to have a very strong jump so it will be high. Then you just do the splits in the air. Keep practicing and I'm sure you'll be able to do it! Remember to point your toes, keep your legs straight, and have a straight back. Good Luck:)

here are some tips:
when you do your prep into your leap its really important that you pliea (spelling??)

make sure that when you start your leap you develope (spelling??) your leg high

Also when you do your prep (the runs) make them quick...not like sprinting..but as if your at a pool and the cement is hot and you want to get to the pool quickly.

Hope this helps


To have good "split leaps," or jetes you must first have a good split. Keep practicing your splits everyday and hold them without bouncing. When you've got your splits, try the over splits (putting the front leg up onto something like a low bench) and your split leaps will be beautiful!

You need to have your legs slightly higher than a regular split to do good split leaps. Stretch super splits: place your front leg on something and work on getting all the way down, do the same with your back leg, only facing whatever your leg is on backwards of course. Practice doing split leaps on a trampoline so you know how your form needs to be when you do it for real. It really helps.

When I did Rhythmic Gymnastics, we practiced our split leaps this way and its very effective.

plie. Don't lose momentum when your going into it either from pas de burree or a chasse, get your power from that. Number one thing is plie though. Try having someone hold your shoulders and apply pressure (not to much) and just jump (keep ballet/jazz positioning though) and that way you know what to feel and what muscles to use. It takes time.