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Position:Home>Dancing> Ballet and Pointe?

Question:I've taken ballet for 6 years at a small studio, and I"m interested in trying pointe. There aren't any pointe classes at the studio that I go to. I don't think I'm a really superb dancer, but I'm decent and I know most of the steps. If I went to another studio, would I be able to start pointe?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've taken ballet for 6 years at a small studio, and I"m interested in trying pointe. There aren't any pointe classes at the studio that I go to. I don't think I'm a really superb dancer, but I'm decent and I know most of the steps. If I went to another studio, would I be able to start pointe?

A great idea is maybe to start a pre pointe class and let your techer tell you. Pre pointe classes are great- they build up strength and experience and sometimes there are dancers who are even en pointe in the pre pointe classes so you can observe them and learn from them. In the end, your teacher should be able to tell you and you need to be confident that you are ready.
Best Wishes!

they would most likely have you take a level placement test and then go from there. i know that a lot of dancers come from other studios and get immediately put into the pointe program, but a lot also need to do a year of just technique first. My guess that with 6 years of ballet, you'll go into pointe quickly.
Good luck!


This reaalllly depends on alot of factors. First, age. Age can be very subjective, though, but it is recommended that you don't start at least before ten. In addition, some requirements are a healthy weight, good use of turn out and plie, and the ability to hold a releve in the centre in fifth position for one minute each side. Also, it is at the teacher's discretion to allow you to go en pointe. Believe me, it's not as easy as it looks.
But if your really determined and love what you do, than I think you should be able to, or at least work up to it. Good luck!

it depends alot on your ankle strength and ballet technique and ability. many studios do not allow you to go en pointe until you are at least 12. talk to a teacher about going on pointe and if he or she thinks you are strong enough, then you could switch studios if you are! happy dancing!