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Position:Home>Dancing> Pointe shoes for low-arched people?

Question:Does anybody know some good types? I'd also like a brand that breaks in easier. I currently have Capezio Glisse, and they're okay I guess. It doesn't really arch and I've been breaking them in for 7 months...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anybody know some good types? I'd also like a brand that breaks in easier. I currently have Capezio Glisse, and they're okay I guess. It doesn't really arch and I've been breaking them in for 7 months...

You should probably try a shoe with a softer shank so you can break them in faster. 7 months is WAY too long for pointe shoes to last. You might have weak feet that are making it harder for you to break in your shoes, so do more releves, eleves, and maybe invest in a Theraband.

I use the seranade...not sure of the brand but it works great

my friend has a low arch and she has gaynor mindens w/ a hard shank.. it really works for her