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Position:Home>Dancing> Can't pull off the splits?

Question:Can someone help me find a useful way to finally do the splits? I've been working on them for like a couple of weeks now, and I want to learn soon (I'm a newish ballet dancer) I'm not really really flexible, but I'm not bad. I just can't seem to do it. I stretch alot. I try to do the jazz splits and just keep going further down everytime, but I can hold myself up very well, I'm not even that heavy, I'm 130 pounds :S
How did you guys learn?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can someone help me find a useful way to finally do the splits? I've been working on them for like a couple of weeks now, and I want to learn soon (I'm a newish ballet dancer) I'm not really really flexible, but I'm not bad. I just can't seem to do it. I stretch alot. I try to do the jazz splits and just keep going further down everytime, but I can hold myself up very well, I'm not even that heavy, I'm 130 pounds :S
How did you guys learn?

Sitting in ther frog stretch is really good. Hre is a pic of it

Also the baby stretch is good. Lay on your back and hold your feet, pulling them to the ground.

Try leaning forward when you do the splits as well. This helped me alot.

Go up to a flat surface (a wall), lay on your back and openyour legs. gravity will get you there if you are working ony your middle splits. Yo ucan also do this stretch sitting up with open legs. Push forward until you acn get your body to the wall.I hope this helps!!!!

im a boy and the splitz are hard to do id never do it id be afriad me legs would break hahahahahahahahaahah

i was never very flexible either. im 14 and i have been dancing since i was 3. but i could never do the splits until last year. you have to stretch everyy dayy. i streched during commercials while i was watching tv. and if you stretch every day and try to do the splits everyday, each day you will go down a little father and if you stretch everyday you might get your splits in a week or two. (: good luckk.

do long warm-ups and stretching exercises, like an hour a day. over time, you will really get flexible, and you'll notice your splits getting lower.

took me 6weeks to do the full split after an hour of warm ups and stretching everyday.

You just have too keep stretching every possible moment. Push yourself further and further (but not so much you pull a muscle).

Just keep going down.

excersise: sit with half split and put nose to feet

im a dancer and i iv been dancin for 3 years. i had my right split in a week b/c i was a cheerleader and i had always plracticed that split! so since then iv been workin on getting lower on my right split and getting my left split and center split.

my dance teacher takes a balence beam thas like a foot off the floor [when i did it at home i took the matrice off my bed] and you put one foot [front foot~ right leg for right split and left leg for left split] up on the beam and the slide into ypur split hold it there for liek 50 counts [slow] adn work up to like 100 counts do this every day for both legs and you should get your splits faster.

the center split i still dotn have but im close im liek 2 inches there is no special way to help that split sorry. lol

Weight has nothing to do with it! I could do them when i weighted 180 pounds. Its all about streching out your muscles. It takes time! Tips:
Warm up your muscles first!!! (They won't strech very well if they are not warm)
Breath. When you breath your muscles relax.
Don't force it. It is better to see how long you can sit in them. Plus you don't want to pull a muscle.

Good luck!

it takes time to be able to do the splits. when i was learning to do the splits i did my stretches 2 times a day, a night and in the morning and it took me at least 4 months to be able to do them. you just gotta be stretching. be patient and don't push yourself too hard. you don't want to pull a muscle.