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Position:Home>Dancing> Dancers: Are your friends used to your constant stretching and dancing?

Question:My friends’ definitely are. My friend Ryan had the nerve to say 'wachy balleweeeena isn't flexible today' and there’s me going :O :O :O :O what did you just say????

My year level at school has a special program so we pretty much do nothing all day and so when the class gets bored its always 'rach can you do some hip hop?'. So yeah, me teaching like a 16 count routine to my class is really normal LOL...haha I love it :)

Share some of your stories and experiences please?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My friends’ definitely are. My friend Ryan had the nerve to say 'wachy balleweeeena isn't flexible today' and there’s me going :O :O :O :O what did you just say????

My year level at school has a special program so we pretty much do nothing all day and so when the class gets bored its always 'rach can you do some hip hop?'. So yeah, me teaching like a 16 count routine to my class is really normal LOL...haha I love it :)

Share some of your stories and experiences please?

haha thats cool about teaching your class a dance :)

my friends are used to it but sometimes they'll be like, can you stop dancing? or why are you in the splits, we're just watching a movie. LOL they don't understand i can't stop dancing, it's pretty much impossible.

Most of my friends are in my break dance crew, its a lot of fun.

Well one of my friends is because we dance together constantly.

well i usually practice my stuff with my bff cuz we both dance and then i like to show off a bit with my friends... but thats pretty much it

yeah like say i'm at someones house and we're just standing i'll just lift my leg up and they're like ~sighh~ lol they are completely used to it

i don't do it in public but i often do releves a lot and they look at me wierdly...but in sports i often stretch for a longer period of time than they do ..and i'm also more flexible

Oh My Gosh No!!!! It's so annoying, that sometimes I just want friends who understand my passion for dance.

yeaa im a danceerr
so thats pretty normal for me too

A lot of my friends are dancers, and the ones that aren't are totally used to it by now. I dance around in all of my classes. And at my friends houses and stuff, their parents are used to their daughters' "weird dancer friend".

Yeah, my good friends are used to me just falling into splits during gym...they just ignore it lol.
My friend made fun of me one time saying a greet new people by lifting my leg to my ear...aha not funny :P

I go to a performing arts high school so pretty much all my friends are dancers, the ones who arent are pretty used to it though. haha actually it's me who's not used to it. Whenever I do things with nondancer friends I forget they cant do all the things that we can flexibility-wise. Like i went to the doctors the other day for a physical and she did the bend over and touch your toes thing to check my spine. Well I was like "how far do you want me to bend?" and she's like "whatever is fine". So of course i put my hands on the ground and she just laughs at me.

only my dance friends are because its not good to stretch unless you are properly warmed up

LOL! ya totally. In PE last year we were learning line dancing, which for me is so easy i could do it in my sleep. and we had to choreograph a routine. well. . . my friend and i could both dance so we were like totally showing off like doing triple pirouettes, and switch leaps, etc. Well we FAILED the assignment, because we didn't have any line dancing in it, but i will never forget the looks on peoples faces!!!

It was worse when I was in middle and high school lol. My boyfirned knows that I will forever be cracking something, and that when I'm stopped to look at something, I stand in sur le cou de pied or back coupe. True story!

lol, my friends get really annoyed at me cause im always constantly stretching and going on about ballet.

my sister once asked me if stretching was my life. haha

thats heaps cool you teach your class how to dance :]
i wouldnt have the guts

catch ya

Yeah, my friends totally know I'm obsessed with dance haha I'll be in the middle of like gym and be doing the splits. I loved the gymnastics unit because I got to show off ;) haha.


Yeah MY friends...are used to it ... we used to go to disco's very often.,,, and we used to partrcipate in a lot of Dance Competition... with me in lead...



im not exactly a competitive dancer but i like to dance so yeah im pretty much stretching and dancing constantly lol i pretty much dance anywhere, especially in the shopping aisle at coles :D

but yeah im constantly stretching and my mates are pretty much used to that except when i do something really straining and their like "OMG HOW CAN YOU DO THAT!!" lol im just like "well its natural to me"


hmm.. i don't really like to show off, unless it's in a proper venue. i see people trying to do splits in class or even in the train, and i'd roll my eyes and go, "What the hell? Don't do that in front of me, i'm better than you."

i only let my non-dancer friends see me dance when i'm actually on stage.

omg my friends are totaly used to it!! its crazy. when im in school i will seriosly start doing my tap dance and in gym during streches i do reall streches instead of w/e the hell there doin lol the funny thing is one day wen i was in english my english teacher sent me to the nurse b/c evry time i moves soemthing would crack. i will liek never stop craking ever its kinda funni and peopel always get weirded out. but w/e and i awlasy stand in some dance position when im standing and its really funni when i give a report and when i move my feet i automatically tondu first.

w/e my freinds and me are listing to music and a song that i no a dance to comes on i start doin the dance and they all jsut looka t me liek im on crack! its soo funni even my art project is dance related liek anytime it can be!

this year i got roped into being a dancer in our school play beauty and teh beast and its really borin at practices so mea nd leik3 of my freinds will stand there and i randomy jsut start doing my leg exstentions and splits its fun

No I don't have that problem, I am flat footed.