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Position:Home>Dancing> Dancers..How do you get over nerves!?

Question:I don't like getting up in front of anyone I get really nervous when attention is on me. I want to dance, it looks like so much fun & I love music, but I get so nervous. It is so bad that I might even be a runaway bride if I ever have a wedding. I am brave at every thing else, but I don't want to dance. Anyone have helpful advice?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't like getting up in front of anyone I get really nervous when attention is on me. I want to dance, it looks like so much fun & I love music, but I get so nervous. It is so bad that I might even be a runaway bride if I ever have a wedding. I am brave at every thing else, but I don't want to dance. Anyone have helpful advice?

Omg. I am to. I'm am very outgoing but Public Speaking scares me. I have skipped every single class presentation I've ever had except for one powerpoint and it was easy because the lights were off and I wasn't facing the class. I literally get SICK. and I've been doing ballet, pointe, and jazz for over 7 years. Performing in front of hundreds of people. For me dancing is easier because your with a group of people, your not dancing alone and you don't have to say anything. Which is actually easy. I have to pretend like my family & friends aren't there. So I never look for them before I get on stage. Then you just dance like nobodys watching. Try taking a jazz or ballet class and you will probably start with smaller crowds and work your way up. But for me the most comforting thing is knowing that your not the only one on that stage dancing. Good Luck :)

You worry what others think You Don't know what is OK but forget about others and have a good time

Oh man - I know what you mean...standing in the wings, waiting for the curtain to open...that feeling of exhileration mixed with almost having to pee on yourself? (lol - ok, maybe a little TOO descriptive).

I know this sounds weird, but I wouldn't think about the steps, I would be backstage, with my partners arm around my waist waiting to go on singing "Baby I Need Your Lovin' GOT to Have All Your Lovin'" by The Four Tops. Don't ask me why I chose a song from the 60s, I was born in 80, but HEY - whatever does it for you. That song has that good mo-town I used to kind of get into it...then the orchestra would que - and OFF WE WENT!!!

So in other words - think of your favorite song (or a catchy song) and rock out to it your head when you are about to make your entrance or whatever.

Ha - that is my remedy anyhow...good luck!

If you are really that nervous try picturing the auidence in their underwear. That makes it a little better but if that doesn't help then try just try picturing yourself dancing in front of your lover and / or in front of your mirror in your bathroom.

If you mean like Jazz or hip hop then...
you shouldn't be scared i take Jazz and it is so fun i have a recital coming up with over 1000 people in the audience
and i just started in October
everyone in my dance class tells me that they put these extremely bright lights on you so you cant even see anyone in the audience!! YAY! :)

what's there to be nervous about? going wrong? everyone goes wrong! even professionals! and if you worry about being nervous, you're more likely to go wrong! so just relax and enjoy the whole experiance of being centre of attention and being able to show everyone what you can do and what you enjoy doing. I was nervous the first time I had to dance infront of anyone, and that's totally natural, but once you've done it once, you'll realise that it's actually really fun and a good laugh. Im a very self-conscious person, always have been, always will be, but i have pushed myself and just let my hair down and thought, 'i don't really care what anyone else thinks, i just want to enjoy myself', and so i never get nervous dancing, but stupidly i get nervous and self-conscious on other petty things like doing a speech in class etc.
even if you're not the world's best dancer, you'll be acknowledged for having a go at doing something that you're nervous about doing. don't let it worry you. go for it!

good luck! x
(ps sorry for the essay!!! hehe)

relax and think of posotive things. and its not the end of the world if you mess up. just smile and keep going and nobody will know you messed up!!! :)

Take a public dance class. The spotlight wont always be on you, and if you mess up, you can watch the people dancing with you. I get nervous too, but I got over it!

the only way to get rid of that fear is to get up on the stage and dance. I know that i used to get realy nervous before a major dance but after a while you will get used to it and think it is fun. you also want to realx before you go on stage

When on stage pick a spot to look at, and just focus on it. Don't look at anyone, as you get more comfortable you can look around. Just make sure you smile and don't look tense. Your job is to make what your doing look easy. Hope I helped. Just go have fun with it!!!!

im a dancer myself and i have been doing it for 5 years and all i can say is that make sure you practise, practise, practise to make sure you know your dance/s of by heart (it helps a lot) and also get your family, friends to watch you practise your routines but when you go out on stage just think that you are there to have fun and enjoy yourself and REMEMBER to smile it helps a lot on your performance and you never know you might be the star of the show LOL.

as i said practise practise practise

Well, I won't lie to you. For a lot of people, you don't ever really feel less nervous. Personally, I just try to focus on the movement. I concentrate on going deep inside myself, and only paying attention to the music and my body. It's mostly scary going up in front of people, but by the time you start dancing (at least for me) you kinda forget people are watching. Like, in the wings, you're going, "omigod, omigod, omigod" and onstage you're like... "turn-out, extended, no broken wrists...."

Tip: Look directly ahead, but don't focus the audience. Don't look up, don't look down. That looks bad.

If you are dancing with a group, then the focus will be less on you. Don't look down, look toward the back of the audience (you'll be able to see during the dress rehearsal) to keep your chin up. You'll know the routine, movements, the music - just smile and keep going. One time I missed my entrance to a tap dance, and was able to get on stage during the dance (oh, yeah, the video guy caught me coming on stage!). So if you make a mistake, it is not the end of the world. Yes, it is scary and frightening but once you are out there the dance overcomes everything else. Oh, and don't forget to smile, even during the hard parts!