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Question:i would like to start dance classes but i can't pick a dance up really quickly and i am thirteen too so i have left it too late so do you think i shouldn't bother because i'm not that quick at picking dances up?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i would like to start dance classes but i can't pick a dance up really quickly and i am thirteen too so i have left it too late so do you think i shouldn't bother because i'm not that quick at picking dances up?

of course you should do it i kno u said u wanted 2 do street/hip hop just try ballet becaues barrework (warmup) is really good for memory you havent left it too late if ur willing 2 work hard u can start at any age as for ur shyness just be urself and try 2 start a convo with someone/ a group of people works every time

no you should bother! Classes will teach you how to pick up quickly. You could also try beginner or lower age levels so it will much easier! Good luck!

you can start when you are any age, depends on whether it is ballet you are referring to, where it would be easier when you are young, ballroom and latin is any age, they have juniors, Rock and roll too. Things like Street Latin may be limited as it is more often taught in adult education, where you have to be 18 in New Zealand, but there is a youth salsa team.

If you want to give dancing a try, then by golly, go for it. So you're thirteen. So what? We don't always think about these things at a really young age. There are seniors in high school who suddenly take up dance and do just fine at it. Thirteen sounds as good an age as any to start. So you may not be able to pick up dancing very quickly. So what? As with anything, dancing takes time and energy. As you practice, you'll find it easier and easier to perform the various movements. You can do anything you set your mind too, no matter how hard it may be to "pick it up".
If you want to dance, then dance. And don't let age or ability stop you.
Best of luck to you. =D