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Position:Home>Dancing> I need to land my double pirouette, can anyone help me?

Question:I am in advanced ballet and we are really working hard on our double pirouettes and inside pirouettes. Can anyone give me any tips or pointers on how to land my double pirouettes?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am in advanced ballet and we are really working hard on our double pirouettes and inside pirouettes. Can anyone give me any tips or pointers on how to land my double pirouettes?

to push yourself to spin to much because then you'll never land. So focus and spot your at eyes anywhere in the room your dancing in while your are in 4th position in a plie` , then not too hard and not too soft snap your legs in to a pirouette formation and spin. Control yourself near the end of the 2nd spin and land. Remember to keep your butt straight,back straight arms in any position that your teacher says for you to do, and stomach in. Keep trying and trying for you to get it well enough and try your best.

Good Luck!!!!!!

Vote me for best answer please!!!!!

We usually go lax on our spotting and focus during the second turn, I suggest you work on that. As for landings, faulty landings happen when we lose control of our turns - again, spotting and focus.

oh this is hard... i'm in 5th grade but i've been taking lessons since i was 2 years old. just point your toes out in tondue (i can't spell in french) then go into fifth and continue with your dance? sorry i'm not much help. wow, i can only do one pirouette! great job!

Focus, suck in, and know you will do it. And, of course, spot.

Here is onen way that will help you land any pirroette (spelling)

Stand in releve passe with your arms rounded in front of you and have a friend or someone else either push your arms around or walk around in circles while holding your arms and you juse spot and stay in position.

At my teacher says "spotting is the key to good pirrouettes."

Practice Practice Practice
Practice being really controlled and balanced
really practice is the best!

Sorry i wasnt alot of help.
When i was doing those, for some reason i was a natural at them .

Think of the finish or "landing" of your turn as a SEPARATE movement from the turn itself. The "finish" of the pirouette is your turning position, whatever it is, as your rotation stops (let's say it's the passe position ) and it "finishes" en face with a HIGH releve balance.
Pause there for an instant and THEN come down into your final pose.
I sometimes think of a helicopter landing... you know how they hover a bit before they settle down EVER so carefully?
This is how you get the audience to actually GASP at your beautiful performance of the pirouette. (Always fun to hear!)

your head is what takes your body around.
not your leg or arms.

Be sure to plea(sp) and
keep your foot up in posse.

hope I helped!
just practice a lot :)

Okay. First of all, don't EVER expect yourself to land a double pirouette perfectly every time.
Second of all, work on pushing off - not super hard, but not too soft so that you'll barely get around.
Just try doing a single and then just don't come down. See if you can make it all the way around again.
For inside pirouettes, really push off that standing leg, go into a pretty deep plie on that side, and just push yourself up like you're taking off.
Someone else said landing for pirouettes is like a helicopter, and they're absolutely right. Stay up, facing whatever direction you spotted, and then come down as gracefully as possible.

Make sure you spot. I promise if you spot you will be amazed how much easier it is to land. Also when you push up to turn make sure you are "pushing the floor away" don't hop. Use your arms and make sure you pull up. Balance comes from your core (abdomen). When you have competed the second rotation make sure you plie. Number one thing is spotting. Try putting a sticker on the mirrors (if your teacher says it's ok) that way you actually have something to spot at first. All turns learned have to come from pirouettes first. If you can master those you can move on to knewer harder turns.
Also I am a loser but when I'm waiting for my food to get out of the microwave I go from fourth and push up into releve and hold it a few times, this helps build muscle memory!

Spot. Keep your stomach muscles in and tight. (You can do sit-ups to make your stomach muscles stronger.) It really helps if you do it fast than slow. Make sure that you have a good posture and that you're really focused on what you're doing. When you spin try to really control your body and don't let your body move out of place. It also helps if you practice staying in the pirouette form like standing on one leg and bringing the other up in passe and holding it there for awhile and then bringing it back down and repeating.